The part sheets only show the wheels changing colors at vin 1884 but there are definitely three different wheels. The early ones were a dark gray and the later ones changed to a light silver color but somewhere along the way the design of the wheel changed as well. The difference is at the center hub area. Later ones were beefed up there and the spokes don't protrude as far above the hub because, apparently, the hub has more material there. As far as I know the manufacture of the wheels was always Kent Alloys so I have to conclude there was a design change for some reason. It's quite subtle but if you look closely at a number of cars you will find the differences. If you look at some cars, mine for example, you find there are both styles of wheels on the car. I had a wheel changed years ago at a shop and as I said, the difference is very subtle. Dave Swingle was kind enough to point the difference out to me and it's been bugging me ever since. Bruce Benson > I had no idea that they actually slightly modified the >wheel design along the way! Roughly when did this >change occur? All I knew was that the very early ?>DeLoreans had dark grey wheels, and anything after >VIN 1900 or so had silver wheels.> Louie Golden > VIN 5252 Charlotte, NC