I was hardly recommending breaker points. Just pointing out that in those days ignition voltages were fraction of today's values. Have only gone one direction in past 30 years -- up. Pertronix's point conversions adjust dwell angle BTW, just like stand alone solid state ignition modules. Are neat little kits that bolt right inside distributor cap where the points used to be. Run off full 12v+ too. Speaking of bad old days, have you noticed plugs resistances have gone nowhere but up too? Non-resistor used to be standard in the 1960's. Today some performance plugs put up hundreds of ohms of resistance. Biggest question is: since a high voltage coil only costs $30 (mail order), what's the controversy? Even if it yielded no advantage -- it does -- was the LEAST expensive part ever installed on my DeLo. Bill Robertson #5939 >--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Elvis Nocita" <elvisnocita@xxxx> wrote: > Bill, > in the good old days of points there was a fixed dwell (?) or angle or > whatever you call it to charge up the coil. At higher rpm's there was only little energy stored and you can imagine what happens when there's not > enough energy to produce a good spark. > > Have you ever seen the guys working on the ignition with analyzers / > oszilloskopes ? I'm not too good in english to > explain it in every detail. But with an analyzer you can tell exactly what's wrong with the plugs and the ignition. Take a book and read it. Or don't believe it and buy that crap. > > Elvis & 6548...without any cold start ignition problems....