I just wanted to take some time to publicly thank some people in the DeLorean community who have been so kind to me over the years. First I'd like to thank Darren Decker. He's been a great friend to me for almost 4 years now, and he's taught me so much about the cars. He's also went and inspected several possible purchases for me. Secondly I'd like to thank Bill Robertson. He's also been a great friend to me over the past two years, and has gotten me out of some major pinches that #10115 threw at me. Both of these guys are true first rate people, and are a great asset to the DeLorean community. I'd also like to thank Bob Thomason. He loaned me his car so that I could go to SEDOC about a month ago after I wrecked mine. He has been the most patient and kind guy to deal with while I waited for my insurance payment as well. I promise I'll take care of your car! Next I'd like to thank John Hervey. I'd had some problems with my 150amp alternator, and just recently he sent me a BRAND NEW one, even though I think the alternator may have been out of warranty. He's a truly friendly guy, and I'm glad there are people in the DeLorean community that are out there like him. A big thanks also goes out to Ken Koncelik who got down on the ground and got himself all dirty to check out a potential buy for me at SEDOC. Luckily it wasn't in vain... I bought that car yesterday... LOL. And finally I'd like to thank my parents. They have been so awesome about this whole DeLorean experience. They helped me buy my first DeLorean, and kept it on the road when I'm sure they wanted to run it over with a tank too... LOL. They even let me get a second DeLorean after I was plowed over by a Cadillac in my first one. They have just gone above and beyond, and I can't thank them enough for it. Owning a DeLorean has been one of my life's goals since I was a little kid, and without them I wouldn't have one now. Owning a DeLorean has been one of the most exciting AND frusterating things in my life... but first and foremost it's been the biggest learning experience. Thanks for everything guys!!! Louie Golden VIN 5252 Charlotte, NC
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