I've had my mode switch out several times and it's pretty simple (at the time I didn't know what lubricant was suitable and I therefore had it out once for each lubricant I tried). Pull the knobs off the controls on the A/C panel and remove the screw in the center that keeps the plastic bezel in place. Do not remove the screw holding the mode switch to the mounting plate yet. >From the driver's footwell, reach around the edge of the console with your left hand/arm and grab the rubber boot/manifold attached to the rear of the mode switch. Do not disconnect any vacum hoses from the rubber boot/manifold. The rubber boot/manifold has a tactile index mark on it (a bump cast in the rubber you can feel with your fingers). Feel the boot and become familiar with its orientation. Unless you're some contortionist, you have to do this by feel since you cannot in general see anything with you arm back there, and you'll have to put it back on by feel later. Pull the entire rubber boot with hoses attached off the back of the mode switch. Now remove the screw securing the mode switch to the center console. Leave the electrical connections at the bottom of the mode switch attached for the time being. They have a bit of slack that you can make use of. Work the switch with electrical wires still connected as far out of the cavity as you can. They should almost make it to the edge of the console. Now take a look at the electrical connections and make note of which colored wires attach to what terminal. Then disconnect the electrical connections and withdraw the mode switch. Installation is the reverse of the removal procedure. Attach the electrical connections using the available slack and then mount the mode switch to the console. Reach back and grab the rubber boot and orient it based on the tactile features on it before pushing it onto the back of the mode switch. The lubricant I had really good success with was silicone spray lubricant. Knut --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "dmcyoseppi" <dmcyoseppi@xxxx> wrote: > Does anyone have a good set of instructions on how to remove the AC > mode switch diaphram, lubricate it and then renistall it? I have > been having the hissing noise when the switch is in the off > position, so I just keep it on fan, but would like to fix it right. > Anyone know of a good set of instructions on this area? > > > Thanks > > Joe OBrien > > 002524
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