All. Many thanks for your continued assistance, I have received several e- mails of suggestions off-list and thought it was time for an update. To recap, my electrical problems are that several of the gauges fluctuate with differing electrical loads, ie the turn indicators cause a `bounce' in the oil pressure reading. The central console and door lock warning indicators also dim when the indicators are used. I have removed the instrument binnacle and cleaned all of the contacts, several of the bulbs were not fully seated therefore disrupting electrical pathways. At the moment the binnacle is still removed. I have temporarily unplugged all of the wiring connectors at the back right of the engine bay. The buzzer logic box panel has been removed, along with the intermittent wiper module, leaving just the flasher relay to `dangle' under the dash. I have run a temporary ground connection from the engine bay ground point to the individual wires grouped near the left front wheel. Now when I test the earth points either at the binnacle connector blocks or at the dashboard end of the buzzer box ground I am able to detect a voltage when circuits are turned on (0.7v side lights, 1.2v main lights, fluctuates to 1.45v when indicators are used), continuity tests also fail as soon as the ignition switch is moved to P1. Is this what everyone refers to as a floating earth? All new relays/fuses have been fitted (with all the connectors cleaned), the connectors to the ground by the front wheel look good and measure low resistance until `something' is energised by turning the key. This even happens with fuse 12 removed, the courtesy circuits (door lights) also seem to place a voltage on the ground cables. All ideas welcomed. John Chapelhow MMG 287W : `Boeing' 0737