This is REALLY strange! 3 times in the past few months, my car has refused to start. See what you think... The first time was a Saturday morning late spring: It had run fine for weeks, and was in the garage. It would not start. 2 hours later, (and much tinkering) it started fine. At the time I attributed it to a loose relay (it appeared to start after I checked all the relays behind the passenger seat) 2nd time middle of summer: I was out driving for about a good hour. Stopped at my brothers house, and the car would not start again 40 minutes later. After about an hour or more of tinkering with everything, it appeared to work better after having jiggled the intertia switch wire. It stalled several times just out of his driveway. The inertia switch plug seemed to be the key..jiggle one way, car dies. some more, car runs. I found a good "working spot" and stuffed the wire in place behind the intertia switch box. Car ran fine and continued to do so. This past saturday: Car was in garage, had not been used for 2 weeks. WOuld not start. messed with inertia switch dice. (posted about ugly plug on the end of the switch, etc...) Decided to give it a rest unitl i read info on the DML. I was going to attempt to bypass the intertia switch tonight, but first i decided to try starting it. IT WORKS! Keep in mind. NO bumps, vibration, nothing different had happened to the car. I think it needs Psycho Therapy for having turned 20 or something! Anyone have any ideas or suggestions? I dont want to get stuck someplace (the the DMA fall tour) with a finiky car! Kevin Abato Vin# 16680 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]