Pushing the car in gear is only useful if the starter is still stuck (engaged) in the flywheel. This can happen if you try to start the car and the battery is really low. When the motor starts it usually helps spin the starter off the flywheel. If it doesn't start the starter could stay engaged. Pushing won't help at all on an automatic car. As for a "dead" spot on the starter, this is not all that common. What more commonly happens is that the brushes wear to the point that they aren't being pushed tightly enough by the springs and with all the dirt from the worn brushes they get hung up and don't make contact with the commutator. Sometimes a sharp fast smack with a hammer can get you going again. Same trick works for the blower motor. If it does work then you should get the starter serviced as quickly as you can. The other thing that commonly happens is the movable contact in the solenoid gets burnt up. This happens over time and is made worse by a chronicaly low battery. Simple to test for, just put a test light on the starter and trip the solenoid with the key or a starter button. In any case if you have these symptoms rebuilding or replacing the starter will fix you up. The starters in the Delorean seem to be very durable, unless you have a high mileage car the starter is not the first place to look. You have to begin with a GOOD fully charged battery and clean, tight connections to the starter. David Teitelbaum vin 10757 --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, doctorDHD@xxxx wrote: > Correct me if I am wrong but in every car I have ever owned or worked on the starter gear is not engaged into the flywheel until power is applied to the starter.