Re: [DML] Change Windows In A DeLorean?
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Re: [DML] Change Windows In A DeLorean?

I agree with Samuel... the only benefits you'll get from having "full size" windows in a DeLorean is being able to get in a little more fresh air. I also have to agree with Andy... the "mail slot" windows are just one of the many features that makes the DeLorean such a unique car. I really can't say I see any benefits at all to removing them... in fact quite the opposite. It'd be a complex and surely irreversible procedure, and with debatable cosmetic results. 

I guess I just don't understand why people radically modify DeLoreans. Aren't they unique enough to begin with? Why do people feel the need to further set themselves apart... you're already driving one of the most unusual cars ever made. Don't forget... the number of DeLoreans is finite... there will be no more. In fact, we're losing a few every year due to wrecks, fires, and neglect. Obviously this is your car we're talking about, and you have the right to do anything you want to with it. I just ask that you think about the cars long term future. As some guys say around here... we're not really owners... just caretakers for a time. :-)

Louie Golden
VIN 10115

--- Samuel <samuel_yahoo@xxxx> wrote:
>The other fact is you only need 12" or less to open the door so just 
>about any place you need to get something thru a window you can open 
>your door and get. It sits low enough that you have the height >clearance also.

--- <Soma576@xxxx> wrote:
>>the smaller window adds to the appeal of the car.

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