In a message dated 9/5/03 9:43:39 AM Central Daylight Time, RRouya@xxxx writes:
Hi, just wondering if there is any way to change the side windows in a DeLorean to standard side windows. I really dont like how the DeLorean side windows only go up and down half way. I like the entire window to go up and down. So if anyone has done this change or know of a kit or if its even possible let me know. Thanks.
No there isn't a kit but i believe another list member has done it. It's not easy because the window needs to go down and inward due to curvature of the body if you have a 'full' window. i believe you need to adjust the torsion bars as well to compensate for the weight of a full window in the bottom of the door when you open it up. not to mention all the mechanics and such is quite cramped as it already is. in my opinion, definitely not worth the expense and the smaller window adds to the appeal of the car.
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