RE: [DML] Dmc parting out/another view point (DeLorean Car Show)
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RE: [DML] Dmc parting out/another view point (DeLorean Car Show)

Ken & Group, I have been watching all the post on parting out the cars. I
thought I would inject a comment. Do we really know how many cars have been
parted out since 83. I just found out about a man who is within 5 miles of
my house that said he was the first person to pull an engine out of the D
and one of the Delorean service people from California came to see it. He
also said that he had at one time at least 10 cars that were parted out and
some even went to the crusher. So, my point is to all. There becomes a point
in time of diminishing return of time VS labor to refurbish the cars.
Especially if you have to buy the parts at retail and figure labor. It
mounts up fast.
I hope the parts you sell will be used to keep other cars going and not just
end up in someone's storage.
John Hervey

-----Original Message-----
From: kKoncelik@xxxx [mailto:kKoncelik@xxxx]
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 7:44 PM
To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [DML] Dmc parting out/another view point (DeLorean Car

I agree with Ron on customizing these cars and hoped to do the same with
one when I had my Save the DeLorean thoughts after I got it home. I even
started on the seats but I wish this car was in as good of condition as his
was or
even near it. It would have become my custom car as I am still looking for
and have asked all the vendors to look for me for a car with a trashed

I usually do not get involved with these types of posts but decided to
anyway. I have enjoyed the Parting out discussion and have actually gotten
to know
one of the persons who (Trashed me) LOL pretty well and he now understands
what I had and is a cool person.

Thanks all for allowing me to get a bit involved in this forum a bit
different than you are used to seeing me

The reason for me buying all of these cars is to generate cash to find a car
to use as a raffle car for the next DeLorean Car Show. None of the ones I
bought worked out as they all required more work than the raffle would
Remember (Cost + Repair = $15K to 20K in most cases) The Show needs to
generate revenue to pay for the convention halls. I try to keep the costs
down but
this show is getting too large to do outdoors due to the weather factors. I
can do what I am doing and keep your costs down or spread the $15K or so for
convention centers to each attendee. I think the lower show costs are
desireable especially for our younger participants.

I hope you all partake in the raffle as all the profit (if any) will go to
the show. At the very least there will be one new DeLorean owner.

I have found a car that I think will work thanks to one of our vendors and
they unselfishly let me purchase the car when they could have bought it. I
need to refurbish it. Its not for sure this is the car yet but so far with
past experience this looks like a strong possibility I will know for sure
month when I get a chance to look at it closely.

The good side is there are Three DeLoreans out there running and in concours
or near concours condition that were in fields and barns last year.

Thanks for the positive feedback most of you posted privately and I
appreciated the support,

DeLorean Car Show Inc
DeLorean Car Show Magazine

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