My Kingdom for a fuel distributor. :) I leaned out the CO screw today, and the car definitely caught more, but it's just too much fuel. Long after the engine stops cranking I can -hear- gas flowing into the cylinders. It's that bad. I can smell the fuel, especially coming out of the exhaust. I tried adjusting the Primary Pressure Regulator but that just made it leak. The metering plunger stuck again and only a whack from a hammer freed it up. (Hey, the distributor is toast anyway) I used my kids to help set the timing. I was pretty close. You should see the way they jump around when they're holding the high tension wire! (Just kidding) I found the short in the oil pressure gauge. That was good. I reset the needle in the fuel gauge. It still pegs. That wasn't so good. I hope it's just the fuel sender and not a short in the wiring. I'm going to stop cranking the engine until I have a new fuel distro and pressure test kit. I'll just end up bending a rod or something. Rich