Big storm one night, wife looks out the window (2 am) where the 10'x20' car canopy is. "You're tent is gone.." HOLY @#$ We dont' ahve a garage at this house. I had that canopy tied to 2 trees screwed in boards and staked into the ground 8 times. Anyway the tent flew up and flipped over, lucky i jsut got 1 small ding/dent right above driver side black trim on the door and a 8" smudge-small scratch in front of the driver side vent between the door and the back window. My questions: 1) What grade sand paper or whatelse can i use to take away the scratch/smudge away. 2) I need to change clutch fluid , how much dot4 do i need? 3) I need to change coolant, how much do i need? 4) I need temp sensor, auto zone have it or special order? 5) Anyone have side air scoupes? 6) how does one know if they need brake calipers It's a 17k miles, 81, in good running condition. Thanks my dmc brothers. steve