The plunger is a "precision fit" meaning it should be very close-fitting or in other words it should not have dropped out. If the plunger is that loose it would allow fuel to leak past it and "pool" in the metering unit as you described. There is no way to repair this. I would recommend you either have the unit reconditioned or replaced. There are no seals inside that you can replace. You are not even supposed to take it apart. Refer to D:01:16. Usually in a "dirty" system the plunger sticks and is tight and difficult to remove. Examine the plunger, someone may have "polished" it before you in an attempt to "clean" it. Because of the precision fit it should NEVER be touched with anything other than a rag with some cleaner (like acetone). David Teitelbaum vin 10757 --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Jim Reeve" <ultra@xxxx> wrote: > Learned a great deal of information today. > > I removed the entire intake manifold this evening. This is now the > third time I've done it since owning my car and I think I'm getting > quite good at it! But anyways, I separated the fuel distributor > from the venturi with the assistance of my uncle who is familiar > with Bosch Jetronic Injection Systems. He was surprised when the > plunger fell out from under it (no it didn't get damaged). I'm by > far no expert with fuel distributors, and I thought it was normal > for the plunger to come completely out, but my uncle didn't seem to > think so. (he normally works on Mercedes systems). Once thing we > noticed was a definate fuel leak from the plunger directly down into > the venturi. There was even a slight pooling of gas on the lower > housing. Anyone have and ideas if this is easily fixable (a simple > o-ring perhaps?), or do I need a new fuel distributor? Raw gas > dumping directly into the engine could definately be causing my > hesitation issues. > > Cleaning the fuel injectors went well. They all opened at > approximately equal pressures, and running the cleaner through them > definately cleaned up the spray pattern. > > My DeLorean is currently sitting at my uncle's shop with the intake > removed and many parts soaking in cleaner. I doubt this message > will post and I'll get replies in time for the continuation of the > work tomorrow morning, but you never know. If anyone has > suggestions, I'm happy to hear them. Thanks. > > Jim Reeve > MNDMC - Minnesota DeLorean Club > DMC-6960
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