Work continues on my DeLorean book project, and I thank those of you that have responded thus far. As I mentioned, I knew I'd have more questions for you all, and here is another one. This one is specifically for those of you that either have DMC Houston's high-performance engine and/or suspension kit in your car or have driven someone else's. Again, please e-mail directly to me: ryanjm(at), and by responding you give permission for your quote and your first and last name -- no more, no less -- to be used in the book. Thanks in advance, Ryan McCaffrey #10014 For those who either own or have driven a car with DMC Houston's high-performance engine, please give your detailed impressions of it. Was it worth the cost? Are you satisfied with the performance? What do you think of the engine's sound and appearance in the engine bay? How has maintenance been? Same question regarding their suspension (shocks/springs) package: Please give your detailed impressions. Worth the cost? How's the ride? The cornering? The car's appearance compared to stock? Would you recommend it to others?
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