First off, What's a Dizzy? On to the problem, make sure the frequency valve is buzzing. Put the timing light back on and check the vacuum advance AND the mechanical advance. To do it first plug the vacuum hose to the distributer. Now with the light on and the engine running watch the timing mark as you increase the speed of the motor, you should see the mark move. Now reconnect the vacuum hose and try again. This time you should see a lot more advance. Make sure the air sensor plate isn't rubbing on the side of the body, it is centered in the throat. You didn't say you replaced the air filter, pull it out and inspect it, if it is really dirty replace it. I have to assume that all the parts you replaced are good and you did it correctly because if you have a bad spark plug or you switched an ignition wire it could cause this. Make sure that there is a plug in the spot over the mixture screw and there are no big vacuum leaks. David Teitelbaum vin 10757 --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "jamesrguk" <James_rg@xxxx> wrote: > Hi list, > > Long time since I last posted but I wonder if anyone on the list can > help. > > My DMC has been running badly for some time now, not a constant > misfire but the engine sounds quite "rumbly" like a huge V8 rather > than a smooth V6, it also lacks power and stammers when pulling away. > > I have changed the following - > > CPR, Fuel Distributor, Dizzy + Cap + Rotor, all injectors, fuel > lines, fuel pump, coil, coil lead, ballast resistors, spark plugs > (12 months ago). Freq valve etc... > > Also has very good and even compression on all cylinders > > Any ideas? > > When I removed the plugs, held them on the head and flogged the > engine over the sparks were not as impressive as I would have > expected, but they did spark. I have also tested the fuel supply > pressures and they appear to be normal. > > Could it just be way out of tune? I checked the timing, which was > spot on. > > Any suggestions of where to start looking would be helpful. > > James RG > Vin# 5462
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