This is the second time this has happened to me. I parked my car outside overnight and it rained/misted. Today when I tried to start my car, it would not start (at least I fixed the roof leaks :-) ) but there was gas getting to the motor. This has happened to me before and I thought the hose in the fuel tank was poping up above the fuelline so I shook the car, tried to start it again and started. I figured this because I was low fuel -This time I am also low fuel but I checked the hoses in the tank. I know there is fuel getting to the motor, it is just a matter of flooding it in order to find out. Given that there is fuel going to the motor, it is obvious that the electical system is faulty here. I checked over all wires in the engine compartment, cleaned everything, nothing was wet it seemed. The alternator is rebuilt with new brushes only a few weeks ago now, so I know its not that. The car starts/runs fine any other time its resting in the rain. Now, my question is-does anyone have any advice to prevent this from happening, is there a point of entry where water can get to any electronics and cause this that I am just missing? To clarify, I checked all fuses, all relays, and electical connections within the engine compartment such as resistor etc. Thank you all very much.