Re: Parts for a sad ebay DMC-12
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Re: Parts for a sad ebay DMC-12

I gotta say this... if you're willing to spend that kinda money on it,
you're making a big mistake. There's no two ways about it. When looking at
the rear wheel, it's obvious that it has some chassis/suspension/frame
problems. You are looking at a HUGE investment in time and money to get this
thing back on the road. I suggest you speak with Dave Stragand first before
buying. He bought "Vixen"; a twin-turbo car that was in excellent
condition... well, before it was completely dismantled. He had the job of
just putting it back together for the most part. I believe some pieces were
missing and some needed replacing also. But the car you're looking at HAS
pieces missing, and HAS parts that need replacing for sure! And the rest of
the parts that are "good" will need major work as well; ex. the stainless.
Dave (I think) has over $20k into his "Vixen" now, and if I remember
correctly, he did say if he knew how difficult and how expensive it was
going to be, he would've spent the money on a "good car" in the first place.
(Hope I'm remembering correctly Dave!)

I'd also contact Nick Pitello. He has first hand experience with restoring a
car that was in pretty bad condition. The people here giving you advice
aren'ty trying to discourage you just for the sake of it, they're trying to
HELP you. They don't want to see you make the same mistake as many others
did. And I'm sorry if people don't like this opinion, but this car is barely
a parts car. I mean, what's good on it? I don't see much from the pics that
look like they can be salvaged.

I also have experience with bringing a "sad" DeLorean back to life. But my
car ran and drove straight down the road. And everything was there!

Please, don't get a "gung-ho" attitude just because people are discouraging
you. Don't wast your time and money just for the sake of "getting another
DeLorean back on the road". If you do buy it, and completely restore it, and
then want to sell it someday, no buywe will care about your efforts. They
will want to buy it for as little as possible.

If you still think the list is wrong, call Rob at PJ Grady and ask him his
opinion of the car. The number is 631-589-6224. He'll go to Ebay's site for
you and he'll give you his honest opinion. He's knows more about the
DeLorean than anyone I know. (Yes Dave T., even you... :-P)

Good luck

---"Evil" Dan

Message: 17
Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 19:02:56 -0000
From: "supremeadmiralsenn" <StadnickAd@xxxx>
Subject: Re: Parts for a sad ebay DMC-12

Yahoo! I got answers....
Thanks guys. I will definitely follow up on those two. And I think I
might actually get this one...#4889 will live on!
I forgot to mention that this car was actually not used as a parts
car by the previous owner, it was, ironcally, a project car....
If the price stays below $2500, I'll make it...i hope.

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