You might want to try a credit union. Some of them do collectable car loans and offer very good rates. You will probably need to have the car appraised to get the loan and they may require a downpayment from you (10%). I dont where in Missouri you are located, but if you wish to contact me off list, I can direct you to one place I know of that does these type of loans. Fellow Missourian, Ron Gullwing Magazine gullwingmagazine(at) --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Darin Wolf" <son_darin@xxxx> wrote: > It would seem I have run into a minor position here in the good old > state of Missouri. I want to be able to get a loan on a DeLorean > that just happens to be sitting in a suitable location. There is > only one problem. > > What I want to know, is why it is that I can get financing on a > newer vehicle and yet it seems no one here can get loans on one of > these cars. It would seem that the bank is rather reluctant to help > in this situation. I wonder how many of you out there have run into > this kind of situation. What did you have to do to get around to it? > > Thanks, > > > > Daemon Wolf.
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