A review of the head-gasket tightening procedures tells me to pre- tighten the head bolts to 15 lbs, then to 45 lbs in the pattern specified, then to use a torque wrench with an inclineometer dial- like doo-dad on it and rotate the wrench 115 degrees to achieve the proper tightness and gasket compression. I understand the directions perfectly but I have never heard of this procedure before and I have never seen an angle-torque wrench. Is this an attachment you can put on your foot/lbs. torque wrench, or is it strictly a seperate item? I haven't seen it at Sears. Does everyone do it this way or has someone figured out how many foot lbs 115 degrees equates to? I know how important it is to do this part correctly and I don't want to screw it up. Thanks. Rich #5335 -MD