Re: Failed Emissions Inspection. AGAIN!!!!!
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Re: Failed Emissions Inspection. AGAIN!!!!!


I went through the same garbage like yourself and it is, pardon my 
french, bloody frustrating and not just a little. I even had a few 
bad words to say to the car itself, like "Wish I never bought ya!", 
but that lasted only minutes. I regrouped my thoughts and ran the car 
very hot for an hour driving to another inspection station. It 
passed! I live in BC, Canada and I have read front page articles 
about the huge surplus that is racked in from this pollution control. 
Here, not all parts of BC require it, just the metropolitan areas 
that are covered in smog. Our cost is $25 for each inspection. Now, 
after running hot and putting in some of that chemical, I believe it 
is just diesel fuel, and increasing the idle setting, my car passed 
just fine. That only lasted for one year as I discovered that 
collector cars do not require Air-Care inspections, so I slapped on 
collector plates and away with pollution control inspections. Please, 
do not get me wrong! The car still needs to run good according to 
specs but at least you can diagnose on your terms and spend the money 
gradually if there is a real problem.I leave this info with ya!! If 
you are just trying to get by, getting the car on the road, why not! 
Expensive repairs are sometimes a pain and we try inexpensive ways 
and for some of us that's fine. I have blamed it on their equipment 
but that really does not help you. Hope you get it Aircared soon!!!
John E.

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