The way the oil pressure gauge is working is "normal" for the factory unit. There is a better replacement from Marty Mair. As for the shaky idle, it could be anything from needing a tune-up to dirty injectors to a vacuum leak. Probably all of the above. You might also have an exhaust leak, it shouldn't sound like a Harley. David Teitelbaum vin 10757 --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Sean Mulligan <sean_mulligan@xxxx> wrote: > Hey everyone, > > Having a bit of trouble with my D's engine > performance. She runs really ragged, vibrates back > and forth when idling (sounds more like a Harley than > usual). My oil pressure meter reads half way until I > get the RPM's up past 2500. The oil pressure gauge > shoots back up to the top and the car is fine then. > Any ideas of what this could be? > > Thanks. > > -Sean Mulligan > vin #10054. > > __________________________________________________ > Do you Yahoo!? > Yahoo! Tax Center - File online, calculators, forms, and more >
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