I figured as much that most everything in the Delorean looks pretty nice as it stands. The only thing that bothered me a lot was that the roof light grey does not match anything else in the car. Why?? Maybe a much darker cloth for the roof would make it more appealing but I decided to discuss the matter with a shop. His opinion was to replace the roof and door liners with the same material as the dash and the seats. Even the doorpost trim panels do not exactly match the doors nor the dash so getting it perfectly matched, you would have to strip everything out of the car and have it all redone with new materials. I opted to just get doorliners and roof panels done in cosmetic leather. The real stuff is nice but on a limited budget it was only $250 to get it reupholstered and it looks GREAT!!! Now when you step into the car, the interior is ALL the same, with the exeption of the steering wheel. That will probably remain black. Anyway, I am very satisfied with the results. Because the T-roof panels is only anchored in the center, these panels tend to droop over time. If you decide to redo the roof panels, have them cut a new piece of core- board for the roof. Not necessary to purchase OEM. The inner core- board is nothing special. The old one is traced onto new and voila, new flush roof panel. Have fun!!