I have bench tested my door lock module extensively. Everything checks out fine but the D4 diode between purple and ground is blown. Now, I don't know how long its been that way but here are the details. First, I decided to replace the solenoids with the two wire actuators instead of the 3-wire solenoids. This meant that I switching was required between these two wires of the actuators. I installed 2 relays for each side, one relay dealing with the lock operation and another for the unlock operation. So now, I have four extra relays for the door locks. At rest, the actuator contacts are at ground until a pulse from the door lock module provides power to either wire to unlock or lock. This has worked great! The modification was documented but somehow I had to remember how it was done. The relays in the door lock module only provide 12 volts to the relays which in term, provide 12 volts to the actuators so no huge current drain necessary for these plastic actuators; my module should last a life- time. My car is unavailable to check this circuit right now so the best I can do is, replace this D4 diode. What value can I replace it with as mine is all fried up to a crisp! John Elgersma 10250