The otterstadt switch has several failure modes. If you suspect the switch just remove the 2 wires. That should stop the fans if the A/C is off. Now using a straightened paper clip connect them together, the both fans should run. If they do not work as described there is still a problem in the car's wiring. If it does work correctly but not when the switch is hooked up replace the otterstadt switch AND seal. DO NOT USE ANY SEALER ON THE SILICONE SEAL. It will cause it to fail. Make sure to use the clip and if you don't have it to hold in the switch you can use a strap-tie. As you see it is not always easy to excise out all of the wiring modifacations from previous owners. Use the wiring diaghrams in the Workshop Manual to try to return it to stock. You should start at the fuse block trying to return it to stock first with either a fan fail bypass or a relay system like Fanzilla. Do not use the blue fan fail relay, it may have already failed. It is difficult to give you guidance when the system isn't stock as there is no way now to know what you have and how it is supposed to work. It may get down to going over the car 1 wire at a time. David Teitelbaum vin 10757 --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Phil Priestley <phil@xxxx> wrote: > *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro* > I am in the process of fixing the prior owners electrical mess and have > ran into a few problems. In a recent post I mentioned the electric mess > inside the doors (Yards of extra wiring, 3 relays per door, flasher > modules ). One mod to the car was wiring that ran from the alternator > all the way up to the cooling fans, an otterstat installed in the > radiator, funky fan wiring, and another wire that ran all the way back