The car is set up around the doors meaning you adjust the doors and then adjust the other panels to fit. What this means is you should try adjusting the "Tee" roof panel and NOT the door. If you can see the lift strut you might need a new outer seal. To adjust the "Tee" panel I would first remove it and inspect the center top area for water damage. Use a new piece of foam in the front center, straighten out the tabs on the back edge and reinstall trying to center the panel left to right. Be careful of all of the sharp edges of the S/S and be real careful with the rear plastic valence, it can crack easily if you force it. David Teitelbaum vin 10757 --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, <eric@xxxx> wrote: > Hi Everybody > > My drivers door seems a bit misaligned. It opens and closes without any problem, but when it is shut I can see some of the lift strut if I stand behind the car. The back inside corner of the door slightly rubs against the T-panel as well. > > It looks like a door adjustment is needed, but where do I start? > > Thanks in advance > > Eric Itzel > vin #4433 > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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