I was considering a DMCH car, but the reason I didn't was bacause I live in Canada, and the U.S dollar/Canadian dollar exchange rate is terrible. ($1.00 CDN = aprox. $0.66 USD - do the math!) Also, Houston is half a world away from here, so I'd have to spend a small fortune just to get the car home, not to mention having to deal with the b.s. of importing the vehicle into Canada, paying duty, etc. However, if you do buy a $32k Delorean from DMCH, you know you are getting a top-notch reliable car with no hidden surprises and no headaches later on. After all, Deloreans are their business and their ONLY business, so you can't go wrong with one of their cars. Now, I ended up buying mine locally for much less ($17K CDN), but still need to do all the updates plus many cosmetic repairs, so I'll end up spending thousands more over the next year or so, before it is even close to the quality of a DMCH car. That's fine with me though, because I like the satisfaction of doing the work myself where possible, and I can still drive the car the way it is in the meantime. By the way, check out Delorean One's website. Their refurbished Deloreans cost $62K...OUCH! Richard 5853