BRAVO ! (Brian McCabe & Harvey 5830 ) I don't believe that there's a better way to say it. This is it, in a Netshell. Brian Said ( and it's worth repeating ): > The gentleman who is so down on the vendors also refers to his DeLorean as > "Devil Car" and feels no responsibility to continue the car's existence in > any way. I feel just the opposite about my collector cars. These cars > (including Harvey) are bit of automotive history and need to be preserved > in > their original state or as close thereto as possible. I greatly enjoy > having, > driving and showing off these cars, but I also look upon owning these cars > as > more of a stewardship than ownership. It is my responsibility to maintain > and > preserve them during my tenure of ownership. Remember that in only three > more > years DeLoreans with become officially recognized antique automobiles by > the > Antique Automobile Club of America. Bob Zilla [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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