David, thanx for understanding the original intent of my post and not reponding in a emotional way. I agree with almost everything you say. Zilla products are the leading edge for those who must (or choose) to go that route and I never meant to slight them. I don't feel what I do to my car will lower it's resale value except to a purist. In fact I feel the contrary. Anyone with D (or engineering) smarts will appreaciate the methods and materials I use. Those who don't will simply enjoy a much more reliable, safer, and less maintenance intensive car. I have received many offers for the car and recently had difficulty turning one down. My work is fully documented and inserted into a seperate manual. Everything done is at least as good as the original documentation and much better in many cases. (Some of it is Qcad and Solidworks generated.) Many parts (standard units currently available) were purchased in double quanities in case they should ever fail in the far future. These include the alarm and door launching components. They now reside as spares, along with a complete bill of materials and calibration or adjustment specs/instructions where required. I assure you, the next owner will have nothing to fear. The difficult parts (engineering and installaton) are done, only troublshooting may be required down the road. The wiring and much of my other work on car employs materials used in the aerospace industry. It's all very Hi- Rel stuff, I have lots of it lying around because I maintain two aircraft. Personally, I feel using this quality only adds to the car's reliability and technical aura. Even if the next owner is not technically inclined the documentaion is more than adequate for anyone with skills to easily fathom what was done. I designed and built semiconductor process equipment for 20 years. That work involved lots of technical writing, maintenance, design and materials engineering along with fabrication. I'm damn anal to boot. (And a bit long winded at times. ;-) I've also built high performace kit aircraft. Frankly, I don't much enjoy working on cars but I feel comfortable with most anything this one could throw at me. --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "David Teitelbaum <jtrealty@xxxx>" <jtrealty@xxxx> wrote: > You make very good points for doing things yourself while > acknowledging the benefits of the Zilla products.
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