Dear List: Thanks to everyone for your compliments and support on the premier issue of the new magazine. All of our efforts are more than worth it, just hearing about how well received it was! We look forward to bringing you more of what you want and having fun with it as well. (has anyone noticed the "hidden" celebrities in the photo collection from Evansville's River City Autofest?) Issue 2 will point it out if you didn't find them. In addition, there will also be concours preparation tips from first place winners of previous concours competitions included in issue 2. Watch for issue 2 in April... just in time for DMC Houston's open house and concours show scheduled in May! (And Good Luck!!!!) Yes, we also made the 2003 DeLorean calendar, and if you haven't ordered your copy, they're still available @ $13.50 ea. including shipping in the U.S. ($12.00 outside the U.S., and request additional shipping charges.) FREE shipping available on all calendar orders mailed in the same envelope as your magazine subscription! Please send your ideas, comments, and suggestions to: GULLWING Magazine P.O. Box 991 St. Peters, MO 63376 USA We look forward to hearing from you. Thanks again and enjoy! Sincerely, Ron and Cheryl Wester GullwingMagazine(at) [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]