I am working on a project for 2004 and I could use a bit of help. What I am looking for is short (15-30sec) video clips of DeLoreans driving on the road. It would be nice to have some from all over the United States and other countries as I plan to use it in Pigeon Forge. If you have full vcr or other videos I can edit them. If you have any videos you can e-mail it to me or send in hi 8 or vhs format or put it on a cd as a jpeg or other compatable media format. The address is on the deloreancarshow.com web page if you need it. Remember this is your show I am justs trying to put it together If you have any other video ideas let me know We have two huge 20' screens in the convention center and I would like to fill them up during the day. Local event videos are welcome. If you have rare footage or other videos please contact me. Its amazing what I find this way. Also as you see on the web page we have a lot of people videos saying they are going to pigeon forge If you want to join them send me your video and we will put it up. Did you all see John DeLorean on the video that was taken with him on October 18th 2002. Ken [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]