Well Marc and everybody, My previous statements hold true about commercialism and DMCH...but i view it in a whole new light now. I spoke with Steve Wynne this evening about the repairs to my car, and it was the polar opposite to previous experiences I've had with DMCH. He was knowledgable, caring and gave me lots of options and figures to mash around in my wreck-rattled brain. It's now a matter of time frame.. who can do it quicker. Grady or Houston. And baring that I guess I'll have to base my decision on accent... New Yorker or European/australian (sorry Steve I can never tell.. I guess all us yanks sound alike to you huh? :P ). Armed with good customer service and friendly knowledgable help such a Mr Wynne's... DMCH commercialism takes on the light of a robust and successful business that is still grounded in the care and wellbeing of the cars and owners. Rob Grady, this diminishes your great establishment by nothing,... it does make it harder to decide who to patronize! Lets all thank all of our venders simply for extisting to help out in terrible situations such as my own. THANKS! James 1697