Re: [DML] refabricate tosion bars
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Re: [DML] refabricate tosion bars

Andy and group. Last year when this came up I checked with the factory that 
made them for Grummond. There was one person there that remembered the 
department that made them and he knew some of the people that actually made 
them. I put out the request that if I could get enough people to put down a 
deposit on the bars I would see about getting them made. I only got 4 takers. 
I was thinking about having 50 made as one last attempt. Can't do it with 
only 4 takers. 
Vendors like myself don't mind investing in parts if the group or Delorean 
owners will support the efforts. But to many times folks would rather find it 
local and pay the same price or higher or cheaper instead of the vendors that 
are trying to support the cars. If the group wants to open this back up I 
would go at it again, but who wants to shell out $350.00 to hold, only if and 
when it happens.
John Hervey
P.S. I have already looked into replacement door openers.

<< I agree with Marc on all of this. Torsion bar failure is not a widespread 
problem and no one is going to worry about this kind of silly stuff (my 
apologies to Paul) for decades, when it actually IS a problem. And as far 
non-owners that are all worked up over this parts availability stuff - 
doesn't it show something when the actual owners are not concerned? i think 
it's kinda funny how the recent additions to the list seem to be rallying 
everyone to make sure there are parts available for future owners - you 
need to worry about it! there will be parts! we really need to quit crying 
over quarter panel dies, torsion bars, etc.... cars are being parted out 
the time and there's nothing to worry about.....................

just ask the list WHEN THE TIME COMES! that's what i have learned. no part 
is inaccessible. if you have the $$$, that is.

1982 DeLorean DMC-12 VIN#11596
Fargo, ND 58102

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