Hi all, I just wanted to let people know that Ken is looking for people to write for his upcoming delorean car show magazine. I decided on the Fall Foliage Tour, which was a few weeks ago, that I wanted to write an article for it. It was actually pretty simple and Ken said it really didn't need any revising. The process was a piece of cake! I know people have bitched about Delorean World ( I REFUSE to call it DW) and how the content was weak. Well here's your chance. My article is on the Fall Foliage Tour, but from my perspective: that of an enthusiast. It's quite a cool spin on things. I suggested it, and Ken said go for it. No 'well try to do this' or 'well you dont own a Delorean, so no'. None of that. I encourage everyone who wants to have something put into the magazine to type up an article and submit it to Ken. We can make this 'zine kick some major bootay. -Aaron Crocco NY Plate: OUTATYM