You should be able to move the bar away from the hinge just by putting your fingers around the bar just ahead of the rear hinge and pulling it away from the hinge as you slip the rubber strip in. Remove any rings on your fingers as you don't want to take any chances scratching the torsion bar. If every owner was to try to hoard a torsion bar no one would have any. Trust the Delorean venders to come up with a replacement. Where would they be if they had cars to fix but had no parts? Their very survival depends on a reliable source of parts for their service biz and their parts ordering biz. When ANY part is in short supply the price goes up until it becomes economical to recreate it. Look at what happened with the keys, struts, radiaters and too many other parts to make a list here. BTW there is very little danger when the torsion bar breaks as both ends are captured so after it breaks the pieces are kept from flying out. It sounds a lot worse then it is. If the door is closed when the bar breaks it can't get out of the cavity. This does also mean that when adjusting a torsion bar any spectators should be kept a safe distance away and you should not allow anyone to stand in the area alongside the car as you are doing the adjustment. David Teitelbaum vin 10757 --- In dmcnews@xxxx, "James LaLonde" <deloreandmcxii@xxxx> wrote: > I felt this was a different enough question to warrent a new thread; > > Okay, all this talk about Torsion bars breaking - I can now hear this > horrible snapping sound that i would imagine a breaking t-bar to > sound like everynight in my dreams. > > So I looked at mine, while looking mine snapped and the door came > crashing down and broke my spine. I now speak to you... FROM BEYOND > THE GRAVE!! > Halloween humor... sorry > > So I looked at mine... and it's very very close to the rear hinge. I > can't even slip a piece of paper through - let alone a piece of > rubber innertube. The torsion looks to be undamaged. Is there a way > to adjust this, move the hinge or t-bar somehow? > > Doesn't it make you all just want to have some extra torsion bars? If > only we all could. > I'll be keeping my eye out for one... and if i find one... I'll sell > it to the poor soul whose t-bar did break. BUT if i find two... I'm > hording an extra and likely sleeping with it under my pillow. > > Thanks you all! > > -James LaLonde 001697