Distinctive Gull Wing Doors
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Distinctive Gull Wing Doors

Recent thread Re: DeLorean pricing prompts following:

Gull wings may be our cars' single most recognizable feature (more
than stainless veneer?), but I sometimes do tire of EVERY photo, T
shirt, hat, etc w/ standard both doors open pose. Have you ever
admired the vehicle with its doors CLOSED? Is very attractive stance:
wide, low, sleek. The car looks fast just standing still (a little
faster than it in fact is OFF THE LINE). In its native environment --
driving down a road with the doors CLOSED -- is overwhelmingly
prettier than anything being passed (I highly recommend a road trip w/
another D. Until you see one from the perspective of other motorists,
you don't realize how fortunate ownership really is). Yes, I am glad
my doors open up, especially when working on the interior. But try
this comparison: note the emotional response when you first see your
car in the driveway all closed up. Then forget something in the house,
leave the door open while you run back to get it, and note your
response when you see the car again. I'll bet the first is stronger.

Re: What would have happened w/ longer production run -- when you
think about it, we are all driving around in glorified prototypes.
Development money wasn't available to fix any but the least costly
lessons learned in 1981 (kind of puts any problems into perspective,
doesn't it). Now think about this -- amazingly few problems pop up on
what was essentially a one shot proposition (designed in vs neglect,
age, etc). IMHO that is a real credit to the people who designed and
built these cars. Imagine how big DML archive would be if people
posted messages Re: things that DIDN'T break, things that worked WELL,

'nuff said.

Bill Robertson

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