Hey all- I've been experiencing some coolant loss and it's got me rattled. Just so you know-- the oil looks clean on the dipstick and the exhaust pipes seem dry. The only puddles or wet spots I've seen have been from the drain plug on the water pump so I've given that a little more torque. But I still lost some more. So I started an inch by inch inspection starting at the back. On the left side (this is the hot side, right?) I found this discolored section of pipe in between the rubber hoses. It also seems to be pitted right there. The discoloration looks orange on top, but other angles/views looks green. The colors seems to be important to me because I've been using the orange dextrol this past season but it was green stuff before that. here's a pic in the photo vault at yahoo: http://photos.groups.yahoo.com/group/dmcnews/vwp?.dir=/&.src=gr&.dnm=coolant pipe_combo.jpg&.view=t&.done=http%3a//photos.groups.yahoo.com/group/dmcnews/ lst%3f%26.dir=/%26.src=gr%26.view=t or just go to photos.groups.yahoo.com/group/dmcnews and browse to the end. What do you think? I'd think that if it were a significant leak I'd see puddles in the parking lot or drips while idling. I'm definitely going to pay attention and run it a LITTLE tomorrow, but as little as possible until I figure it out. Thanks, Kevin #4687