My starter failed the other day (while diagnosing a coolant problem). I searched out a Volvo replacement but it did not have the pigtail that provides 12Vdc switched that runs to the resistors and ignition system. So I took apart the solenoid and the switch is simple another leg off the 12Vdc that goes to the starter motor. It appears that when the solenoid engages, the contactor supplies 12Vdc to the starter motor and another leg that provides 12Vdc to the ignition system while cranking. It appears it drops out when the motor starts or the ignition switch is released. Questions: - Has anyone tried a Volvo starter? - If so did you simply provide a connection to the 12Vdc running to the motor? I see no reason why this would not work, but I thought I'd put the question to the group first. I tried getting the original Delorean starter replaced and they claimed no equivalent. I sent it to be rebuilt and they said they could not get the parts. The Volvo rebuild is about $80 Thanks, Nick