I recently spent entire day at the California State Fair exhibiting my car. I talked myself horse answering the same lame questions over and over again: Is that aluminum? How do you keep it clean? How many did they make? (the big one:) How much is it worth? Did you find your 'rebate' in the trunk/glove box/etc? Isn't he (JZD) still in jail? Is that THE car used in the movie(s)? - You all know these. What I want to make is a large postcard that I and my fellow DeLorean club members can hand out that answers most of these questions. I'm sure someone out there has already done this. And since I hate to 're-invent the wheel' I was wondering if anyone would share their Q/A sheets with me? Trying to dispel some of the myths.. Ken ======================================================= Ken Montgomery Sacramento, CA VIN #10911 'OUTTIME' http://pages.sbcglobal.net/montkw/delorean/index.htm mailto:kenm@xxxx President, Northern California DeLorean Motor Club http://www.ncdmc.org Keeper of the International DeLorean Owners Directory http://www.dmcnews.com mailto:directory@xxxx =======================================================
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