Well I recieved my 'DW' in the mail on Friday of last week. I was very excited because I love reading the magazine. I opened the envelope that it came in and thought they sent me the wrong item! It looks SO different that I couldn't recoginize it. Now I know that people favor certain dealers, including myself, but I am putting that aside to write this. Here's what I like about the new magazine: Good- larger pages (means more content), heavier paper (doesn't get wrecked as easily), article on Japanese Delorean guy who bought a D1 $60k car (I liked it because he had the money to do it and his museum (sp?) was amazing looking), still has some tech stuff that every Delorean owner can use, D1 two-page foliage add was nice looking. Bad- Where to start??? The cover looks like they hired someone from Cosmo to shoot it. It's TOO professional looking, Articles on events that haven't happened yet cover something like five pages. Who cares if it hasn't happened yet? I don't. Travel guide cut-out on Belfast?? Could have been useful during EuroFest last year but does me no good now. Article on 'Flag is up farms' should not take up 2 pages, and would have been nice to be incorporated in the first article about the Danish Delorean meet. Uhhhh, aren't there supposed to be Deloreans in these pictures??? DW Magazine?? Are you afraid that if you put the word Delorean in the title, people will joke about the magazine being laced with drugs? I personally feel the name change is an insult to owners who covet the magazine as a great publication about the car we love, and the name change is almost a way of showing embarassment. NOWHERE does it say the word Delorean on the cover, except in the title of changing the radio. I'll stop there before I nitpick too much. Pretty much I feel there was a lack of articles and they streatched it out so that 4 or 5 can fill the pages of 10 articles. Huge pictures that aren't necessary combined with the splitting of articles into two just makes me not want to read this. Show the car in the pictures! Not just photoshopped onto the cover, which they did poorly (you can tell by the tile on the ground). I'm glad I am a free member for publishing an article because I would not renew my membership for this piece of crud. -Aaron Crocco NY Plate: OUTATYM