Hey List, Just got my copy of the latest issue of DeLorean World, or "DW magazine" as it's now apparently called. Found a new "travel brochure" like format, and more pages, but amazingly there was not a single word covering the best and largest DeLorean gathering ever. I'm dumbfounded. I couldn't wait to read the coverage concerning all the exciting things that we got to experience first hand in Memphis....but there wasn't a single word on it, unless you count the Editor's comments, and I quote... "While other owners are sitting around faded, asphalt parking lots talking about how "cool" there car looks..." What "other" owners is Mr. Bernstein talking about? A good lot of the owners in Memphis, including me, were DOA members...and I use the word WERE very carefully! The car and the owners seem to have taken a back seat, (make that luggage rack) in this revised magazine. Many of the pictures look like they were taken out of Conde Nast Traveller, and then DeLoreans were cut and paste into them. The cover is the first example of this horrific technique. That says to me that a DeLorean couldn't actually make it to all those exotic destinations, so they had to fake it! I don't see how that improves the image of the car for anyone! Am I just being short-sighted here? Does anyone else notice anything wrong with this new issue? Just curious. Josh VIN 5102 VIN 15964