To check the diode, use and ohm meter. On way should be infinite resistance, the other a short. Some meter will have a diode check function. You can also use that in the same manner. The band around one side of the diode is the negative side. A good diode will read a short (or a junction drop with a diode tester) when connected correctly. It will be infinite when backwards. Otherwise, if you don't have an ohm meter: Connect a 12v lamp in series with the diode. Try placing it both ways across a 12v dc source. It should light up one direction and not the other. If it lights up both ways or neither way it is bad. If you need more help, email me privately and I will be glad to help you out. JB BDM wrote: > My passenger door wiring has no power. I have removed the T-Panel on the top and cleaned the roof plugs. I have verified continuity from the roof plugs to the door harness wiring. I have verified the wiring continuity from the door light switch to the lights in the door. > > I have a wiring diagram and I suspect that the diode in the circuit is faulty. However, I do not know where it is located nor what it looks like. How do I check the diode and are the difficult to diagnose?