Wanna sound like a time machine?
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Wanna sound like a time machine?

Not sure if this will make it through the mods, but it is partially 
DeLorean related. I remember awhile back there was a thread 
discussing that some owners wanted to have the BTTF door opening 
sound integrated into their DeLorean. Well, I've finally gotten 
around to playing with my ISD1000A audio record/playback chips and I 
think it would be quite easy to do some fun stuff with it. The chip 
can be configured to play once when a switch is closed, or loop 
continously as long as it is closed. While I'm not familiar enough 
with the DeLorean to know how you would attach some sort of sensor 
to close a switch from the time the door begins to open until its 
fully opened; I do think that you could possibly place an infrared 
emitter and detector underneath the shift boot. Each time then, 
that the shift lever passes from one gear to another, the infrared 
beam would be crossed, and this could activate a switch on the 
ISD1000A to play the BTTF shifting sound. Some of you may be 
familiar with it, it sounds cool :) In any case, I've been lucky 
enough to salvage these chips from some of the Radio Shack stores up 
here for a mere $4.97. If anyone has, or is willing to record the 
shifting sound from the movie, please email it to me: supermatty(at)
psu.edu. I would be more than happy to wire up a circuit for 
testing if someone would like to try it out in their car. As I 
said, I don't have a DeLorean myself yet or else I would. 


Matt Spittle

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