<Snip> "Oh no the disc will only move about 5mm them wont budge, should there be something else removed or just a take to it with a rather large hammer!!" Paul, When I went through my big project that included new rotors I had the same problem. It turned out the wheel bearing was bad and was holding the rotor tight.. Since I was replacing the rotor anyway I used a really big hammer and it broke free. If your rotor is still good, I would use a block of wood to protect the rotor. Otherwise, just give it a big whack on the backside and watch your feet, I'm still limping ;), the rotor will come right off. Dan Haney vin 3254 ----- Original Message ----- From: <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> To: <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2002 1:26 AM Subject: [DML] Digest Number 1153 To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address: moderator@xxxx To search the archives or view files, log in at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/dmcnews ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are 20 messages in this issue. Topics in this digest: 1. Re: looking for custom seat covers and floor mats From: "basfe25" <dmcman73@xxxx> 2. Turn signal side lights (thought #2) From: "content22207" <brobertson@xxxx> 3. Re: looking for custom seat covers and floor mats From: "jeremys_im" <jeremysmail@xxxx> 4. Fanzilla From: BondAtomic@xxxx 5. LED Bulbs From: "jeremys_im" <jeremysmail@xxxx> 6. Anyone provide tail-light circuit board photo From: "jeremys_im" <jeremysmail@xxxx> 7. Re:Flashing (turn signal) side lights (thought #1) From: "janvdwouw" <jvdwouw@xxxx> 8. Frustration From: Paul Salsbury <paul.salsbury@xxxx> 9. Re: Touched a nerve? (High HP) Better close discussion & stay on group ... From: mgailey@xxxx 10. Charlotte NC DMC spotted- Are you on this list? From: "Jason Perkins" <jperkins@xxxx> 11. Original floor mats for sale From: "erikgeerdink" <erikgeerdink@xxxx> 12. Re: Charlotte NC DMC spotted- Are you on this list? From: "content22207" <brobertson@xxxx> 13. Dim LED's From: "content22207" <brobertson@xxxx> 14. DMC 24 From: "willinot" <willinot@xxxx> 15. Parts for sale From: "erikgeerdink" <erikgeerdink@xxxx> 16. Re: Charlotte NC DMC spotted From: Louie G <louie@xxxx> 17. Re: Parts for sale From: "content22207" <brobertson@xxxx> 18. Re: DMC 24 From: Martin Gutkowski <webmaster@xxxx> 19. Re: Frustration From: abatt10347@xxxx 20. Ledtronics From: "mikedagoon" <mquinto@xxxx> ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 1 Date: Fri, 09 Aug 2002 03:35:34 -0000 From: "basfe25" <dmcman73@xxxx> Subject: Re: looking for custom seat covers and floor mats Where do you live? I would look at any place that does automotive upholstery. There is a place by me (NY, Long Island) that actually surprised me when I walked into it a few years ago. While looking through some of their samples I came across a "DMC" reproduction floor mat that they make. I asked the guy about it and he said that he was familiar with the car and made quite a few mats for people over the years. The DMC letters are embossed into the carpet not printed on like the original. Where am I going with this? You'll be surprised what you will find at a good local upholstery shop...especially ones that do interior restorations. Give them something to work with as a template and you can have them make it in any color you like. That same shop I went into was willing to recover the binnacle.I have to locate that place again and take my cracked binnacle there. If you are looking to just replace worn out seats or carpets so that they are close to original (same color and all) then give Rob Grady a call, he has new leather seat covers made (in black and grey) that will wow you when you see them installed...they look bettr then the original. Only task is that you need to remove the old leather covering and install the new ones in the same fashion (using hog nose rings). Steve --- In dmcnews@xxxx, "fluxmcfly" <bfreyguy@xxxx> wrote: > Does anybody know where a good place to buy custom floor mats and > seat covers ? If you do drop me a line please. > > thank you > > Brian > bfreyguy@xxxx ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 2 Date: Fri, 09 Aug 2002 03:37:39 -0000 From: "content22207" <brobertson@xxxx> Subject: Turn signal side lights (thought #2) I told you it had been a long day... Don't ask me where my brain was. Of course you could use another bulb as a relay (open one up and what do you find? A coil that looks like a big light filament. Coincidence?). Guess I'm still in awe of all the relays behind my seat. Have never seen so many gathered in one place. Did JZD leave enough to share with all the other car companies? Just what my fine new ride needs -- more relays. Notice however that's it's still flashing on/off opposite the front unit (didn't suffer a total brain meltdown). Actually I probably still had my rear light mod on my mind. Can't use another bulb as the relay there because the whole board shares one ground, and I need positions 2 & 4 to be on/on. I could take the easy route out and replace the single filament sockets with dual filament (run jumper wires from position 3) if anyone knows where to buy surface mount units. You'll recognize me at Pigeon Forge -- I'll be the dented DeLorean with no headliners and a rear end lit up like a Christmas tree. Are we living the dream yet? Bill Robertson #5939 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 3 Date: Fri, 09 Aug 2002 06:01:33 -0000 From: "jeremys_im" <jeremysmail@xxxx> Subject: Re: looking for custom seat covers and floor mats There are always plently of local shops in any area that will do this for you. You can also do an internet search and find any number of shops. Even Ebay has companys that sell them for car XYZ but when you open the add it's generic and custom work. Someone most anyone could do though is go into the Pep Boys chain. At least the one's here in Los Angeles. In between all the cheaper off the shelf unit are a couple of books where you can select not only custom units make to specific cars but ones made to order to your spec's. Jeremy --- In dmcnews@xxxx, "fluxmcfly" <bfreyguy@xxxx> wrote: > Does anybody know where a good place to buy custom floor mats and > seat covers ? If you do drop me a line please. > > thank you > > Brian > bfreyguy@xxxx ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 4 Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2002 02:17:50 EDT From: BondAtomic@xxxx Subject: Fanzilla Fanzilla was the best $220 (or so) I have ever spent. I don't know what else to say without it sounding like an advertisement. I did the "tests" it says to do in the manual, and everything checked out the way it should. I then threw in Fanzilla, and all of my problems went away. That simple. I drove around, and put 60-70 miles on the DMC. During those miles, the temp gauge never went above the hash between the 100 and 220 degree hashes. It was amazing. Thanks to all the people helping me with my coolant problems and those who suggested Fanzilla. I especially thank Bob Zilla for the amazing product. I am very happy with it! John 4275 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 5 Date: Fri, 09 Aug 2002 06:21:51 -0000 From: "jeremys_im" <jeremysmail@xxxx> Subject: LED Bulbs Most of the unit's ARE lacking. In most cases the $10-$20+ LED bulbs are to say the word DIM! Typically dimmer then standard bulbs. There are some BRIGHT, however, they do run in the range of $50 a piece. A bit rich for my blood but you can see things WAY down the street. I forget the company but they were local to Los Angeles. I'll try and find it again if anyone is interested. Jeremy --- In dmcnews@xxxx, dherv10@xxxx wrote: > Bill, I'm sure your aware of the LED tail lights. I did quite a bit of study > on them about 6 to 8 months ago and found them lacking for the De Lorean > lenses. Maybe with two in parallel they would work fine. I still have my > samples and could be adapted to the board very easy. I may still have the > photo's I pulled off the web site. > John Hervey > > > > << LED bulb arrays and > shipping tires. Won't have to worry about melting my rear light > housings now. Haven't begun search for card edge connectors yet (would > like to insert mod before stock taillight board) -- anyone already > located a source of proper size prototyping boards and sockets to mate > to DeLorean's? > > Bill Robertson > #5939 >> ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 6 Date: Fri, 09 Aug 2002 07:07:51 -0000 From: "jeremys_im" <jeremysmail@xxxx> Subject: Anyone provide tail-light circuit board photo Can someone take a couple of birdseye (straight down) photos of the photo and back of the tail-light circuit boards with some rulers on side and bottom for scale is ultra high rez (larger the better)? I would like to print them out actual size on the large format color printer for something I'm working on. If I could pick up some used boards for a song that would be even better but I doubt I'll find any that inexpensive. Thanks in advance. Jeremy ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 7 Date: Fri, 09 Aug 2002 08:27:58 -0000 From: "janvdwouw" <jvdwouw@xxxx> Subject: Re:Flashing (turn signal) side lights (thought #1) --- In dmcnews, Martin Gutkowski wrote: > I'm surprised Jan hasn't come in on this... I DID, but got two messages behind you; since I'm on the Digest-mode I usually get a small delay and reply later... But I'm glad SOMEONE saw that this subject came up at least 3 or 4 times before... I just searched the archives to find my old message... > It's SO easy: [snip] > This takes advantage of that and the fact that the > relays/flashers ground their outputs when off. Walt came up with this too a while back. The fun thing is that even WITHOUT the grounding this will work just fine. It's a bit hard and not appropriate to explain it here, but if anyone is interested I can explain off line in a private email... It has to do with the difference in wattage and a lot of bulbs being connected parralel to each other. Jan van de Wouw Thinking Different... Using a Mac... Living the Dream... Driving a DeLorean... #05141 "Dagger" since Sept. 2000 -------------------------------- ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 8 Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2002 11:21:05 +0100 (BST) From: Paul Salsbury <paul.salsbury@xxxx> Subject: Frustration I am now gradually becoming more frustrated as time goes by... I am trying to replace my front brake discs. The manual says remove the caliper out of the way, undo the hub nut, remove the D washer and then remove the disc and hub...... Oh no the disc will only move about 5mm them wont budge, should there be something else removed or just a take to it with a rather large hammer!! Cheers Paul #6463 __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Everything you'll ever need on one web page from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts http://uk.my.yahoo.com ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 9 Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2002 09:07:04 -0400 From: mgailey@xxxx Subject: Re: Touched a nerve? (High HP) Better close discussion & stay on group ... Gentlemen, Gentlemen: I want to nip this one in the bud before we get 50 stories from every Tom, Dick, and Harry about how either John or Darryl did them wrong. John and Darryl are both excellent vendors and a joy to work with. I'm sure that they've both upset a customer or two throughout their business dealings in the Delorean community, but that is merely a caveat of the business world. Overall I think we can all agree that these are two valued vendors. So please, let's refrain from clogging up the list with negative posts on these two wonderful men and save all of our derogatory comments for that demon at D1: Ed Bernstien. (Just kidding Ed.) Matthew 3946 (by the way, she's for sale pretty darn cheap.) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 10 Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2002 09:13:25 -0400 From: "Jason Perkins" <jperkins@xxxx> Subject: Charlotte NC DMC spotted- Are you on this list? While driving home from work yesterday (about 6pm) I noticed another Delorean in my neighborhood- the Steel Creek Area of Charlotte, NC. I also noticed another Delorean at the Park Road Shopping Center here in Charlotte, NC at lunch time. Two in a day, when I have not seen any other Deloreans for months. Unfortunately I was not in my 83 Delorean at the time, and with the D's going in the other Direction I did not have a chance to stop to exchange our information. By chance are the other D owners on this list? This brings up a good question too. Is there any public government web site that a person could access to pull up all the Registered Deloreans in a State? I would think only the Police could do something like this. Thanks- Jason Perkins 83 DMC #16665 jasperkins@xxxx ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 11 Date: Fri, 09 Aug 2002 13:33:35 -0000 From: "erikgeerdink" <erikgeerdink@xxxx> Subject: Original floor mats for sale Hi, I have a pair of original black floor mats for sale. There is very minor wear on the drivers side, the passenger side looks perfect. If anyone is interested in them, please make me an offer. Erik 04512 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 12 Date: Fri, 09 Aug 2002 15:54:53 -0000 From: "content22207" <brobertson@xxxx> Subject: Re: Charlotte NC DMC spotted- Are you on this list? Louie, was this you? (some people occasionally feel the need to travel the entire state of North Carolina in one day...) Bill Robertson #5939 >--- In dmcnews@xxxx, "Jason Perkins" <jperkins@xxxx> wrote: > While driving home from work yesterday (about 6pm) I noticed another > Delorean in my neighborhood- the Steel Creek Area of Charlotte, NC. > > I also noticed another Delorean at the Park Road Shopping Center here in > Charlotte, NC at lunch time. Two in a day, when I have not seen any > other Deloreans for months. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 13 Date: Fri, 09 Aug 2002 17:00:38 -0000 From: "content22207" <brobertson@xxxx> Subject: Dim LED's Hmm: checked out website of manufacturer of LED bulb replacements and they touted being brighter. Probably should pick one up & try it before I start hacking up my wiring harness (gave up trying to find card edges & connectors suitable size to plug mod in). Suddenly taillight modification is less at forefront of consciousness: accidentally knocked spark plug wire off two days ago, ended up driving a strapping PRV-5 (not exceptionally far, but far enough to say "is that a miss? Naw, couldn't be. Or maybe it is? Can't tell, let's listen a little longer...") Car has persistent stumble ever since (not as bad as a miss, but it wasn't there before). Only stumbles at idle -- am hoping a long trip this weekend will burn out. >--- In dmcnews@xxxx, dherv10@xxxx wrote: > Bill, I'm sure your aware of the LED tail lights. I did quite a bit of study > on them about 6 to 8 months ago and found them lacking for the De Lorean > lenses. Maybe with two in parallel they would work fine. I still have my > samples and could be adapted to the board very easy. I may still have the > photo's I pulled off the web site. > John Hervey > > > > << LED bulb arrays and > shipping tires. Won't have to worry about melting my rear light > housings now. Haven't begun search for card edge connectors yet (would > like to insert mod before stock taillight board) -- anyone already > located a source of proper size prototyping boards and sockets to mate > to DeLorean's? > > Bill Robertson > #5939 >> ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 14 Date: Fri, 09 Aug 2002 17:16:14 -0000 From: "willinot" <willinot@xxxx> Subject: DMC 24 Does anyone know of any pictures/sketches available of the prototype DMC 24. I had never really heard about it until recently and just thought I would ask. I would also like to say thank you for all of the replys I got to a recent posting about what to look for when buying a Delorean. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 15 Date: Fri, 09 Aug 2002 18:31:19 -0000 From: "erikgeerdink" <erikgeerdink@xxxx> Subject: Parts for sale Hello, I recently bought a burned Delorean. unfortunately the majority of the car is totalled, but the entire front area is still in great condition. It was an early 81 with the gas flap hood. Part of that hood received some minor damage due to fire, but is definately fixable. The pasenger front panel also received some light fire damage. These are the only two items that received damage in the front. The car only had 14K on it when it was set on fire (yes...SET ON FIRE). I have uploaded many pictures of it to the vault. click on the link below and then go to the BURNED DELOREAN folder. http://photos.groups.yahoo.com/group/dmcnews/lst If you need any parts, please let me know. I'll see if I have it. BTW: the car was an automatic and the transmission is still there. I haven't looked at it at all, but the majority of the fire damage occured on the top of the car, fortunately the frame didn't receive much damage (except on the sides of the engine). So, im hoping the tranny is still good. Take care, Erik ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 16 Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2002 14:21:17 -0700 (PDT) From: Louie G <louie@xxxx> Subject: Re: Charlotte NC DMC spotted That would have been me both times :-). I was all over town yesterday. I'm in Charlotte this weekend to stay with a friend after going to have my doors adjusted by Dave Swingle in SC. This Thursday I'll be moved back in to school at UNC-Charlotte for the year if any Charlotte area owners want to get together some time. Louie Golden #10115 Sanford and Charlotte NC (hehe) >>--- In dmcnews@xxxx, "Jason Perkins" <jperkins@xxxx> wrote: >> While driving home from work yesterday (about 6pm) I noticed another >> Delorean in my neighborhood- the Steel Creek Area of Charlotte, NC. >> >> I also noticed another Delorean at the Park Road Shopping Center here in >> Charlotte, NC at lunch time. Two in a day, when I have not seen any >> other Deloreans for months. > > > > > >To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address: >moderator@xxxx > >To search the archives or view files, log in at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/dmcnews > >Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ _____________________________________________________________ It's not too late to get your 1/18 scale Diecast DeLorean model! To order, call 800/USA-DMC1 or visit our online store at http://www.delorean.com _____________________________________________________________ Promote your group and strengthen ties to your members with email@xxxx by Everyone.net http://www.everyone.net/?btn=tag ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 17 Date: Fri, 09 Aug 2002 21:47:38 -0000 From: "content22207" <brobertson@xxxx> Subject: Re: Parts for sale Shoot me an eMail address: brobertson(AT)carolina.net. Bill Robertson #5939 >--- In dmcnews@xxxx, "erikgeerdink" <erikgeerdink@xxxx> wrote: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 18 Date: Fri, 09 Aug 2002 22:56:58 +0100 From: Martin Gutkowski <webmaster@xxxx> Subject: Re: DMC 24 There's one in Stainless Steel Illusion. It's a side-on schematic and looks like the stock D just a bit longer wth additional seats. It looks damned uncomfortable for those in the back!!! Martin #1458 willinot wrote: > Does anyone know of any pictures/sketches available of the prototype > DMC 24. I had never really heard about it until recently and just > thought I would ask. > > I would also like to say thank you for all of the replys I got to a > recent posting about what to look for when buying a Delorean. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 19 Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2002 19:28:54 EDT From: abatt10347@xxxx Subject: Re: Frustration Paul, I had the same trouble a few years ago. After doing what you have completed I used a rubber hammer to tap the disc from the back side.. It came off with no problem. Bruce Battles Vin#06569 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 20 Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2002 00:15:30 -0000 From: "mikedagoon" <mquinto@xxxx> Subject: Ledtronics If you buy from Jamstrait, purchase their Hyperbright Led's. Not the superbrights. John tested the Superbrights and they were not that bright. My company had tested the Hyperbrights and the Superbrights. The Hyperbrights will work but it depends on the type of lens on your taillight housings. Remember that these led bulbs are meant to be used with see through lenses. Anyone who has some money to burn try www.ledtronics.com or http://www.netdisty.net/ds/AUT1157/ They're Led bayonets would seem to work better in a reflective housing because of the led's mounted on the side of their bayonets. For a total of 24 led's. Ledtronics is in Torrance, CA. I'll take some comparison pics of the Hyperbrights, Superbrights and Incandescent bulbs in a DeLorean Taillight Housing and I'll post them sometime next week. I'll see if I can get a hold of a lightmeter as well. Mike Vin#1113 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
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