[Walt] > I had 13 off-list replies so far. The way the DML is > run has been a festering problem for many of us. Assuming each of the 13 replies was from a separate DML member, and that they were all in agreement with you, that makes about 1% of the list. That leaves 99% (or 1126 people) who don't agree with you enough to tell you about it, don't agree with you at all, or don't care and just wish this thread would die. [Walt] > what we have now is instead an oppressive regime. [checksix3] > about time someone stood up to the "moderation" > that goes on here. Its appalling censorship Haven't we covered this before? Each of us joined this list knowing that all posts must pass through the moderators before they can make it to the list. If these conditions are so horribly unfair, why join in the first place? These aren't new rules. [checksix3] > I quit because of this and the incredible amount > of misinformation foisted upon the readership You quit, yet you're still posting. I'm not sure what dictionary you and Walt are sharing, but the definition of "quit" is not "to stick around and complain." [checksix3] > I'm considering donating my car for a tax write off by having it > dropped from 2000 feet by helicopter at a local airshow in October. Let me get this straight...instead of just selling your car and actually quitting the DML, your hatred for the DeLorean automobile (and/or the community associated with it) is so great that you want to destroy your own car out of spite? Wow, that's messed up. [checksix3] > There are a lot of folks here who need to get a life. > Its just a car, and not much of one at that. Funny, I was thinking "it's just a mailing list." I mean, come on...an "oppresive regime" that doles out "appalling censorship"? And now Walt is questioning whether the moderators can possibly have happy families? What a shockingly odd perspective on things. Some folks on this list do need to get a life, checksix3. I'm glad you posted that before you quit. Or after you quit. Or while you were quitting. Whatever. _________________ Todd Masinelli VIN 6681 (Nov 81)
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