ive been looking to buy a Delorean for about 3 years, to no avail i might add...ive driven from NYC to West Virginia on one attempt...i dont feel like doing that again...not if im not coming home with one...anyway....for those on the board with more knowledge than myself, what would be considered a good deal...my hopes are for a car with little to no mileage from 0-3000 miles give or take...and of course it must be in excellent condition...i dont mind dumping some $$$$ into it as far as updates or for bad storage etc...am i insane in thinking i can get one in the neighborhood of 20g's....the one in west virginia had 453 miles and the owner want 15 thousand...wich i was willing to pay but the car needed a little too much work and things were suspect with it...anyway if there is an owner out there with a Delorean thyre willing to sell that is a great low mileage representation....in that $$$$ range drop me an email...