Another one on TV gang. Ian's post reminded me of a sighting in the animated TV show "Family Guy" that airs on the Fox network (well, it used to). In the episode "One if by Clam, Two if by Sea" when the scene at The Drunken Clam flashes back to 1985, there's a DMC-12 sitting out on the kerb in front of the bar. It was too quick for me to see how accurately it was drawn, but the cool thing was it had the fat black stripe down the side which I haven't seen very often in real life. :) Feel free to "moderate" this reference. It's Friday. :) Farrar Hudkins (searching for Warsteiner Dunkel in the deep south ... *sigh*) New Orleans, LA '98 Ranger XLT "Laggy" -- 504-280-7000