Hi Martin, Thanks for bringing the vendor discussion on to another (and better level). I agree with you when it comes to IDENTICAL parts - We all know that DeLorean Motor Cars Ltd. sourced a lot of parts from other vehicles - vehicles which have been built in many more thousands than the DeLorean. I don't consider such parts as DeLorean specific parts, since they were originally sourced from other vehicles from the 80s. DeLorean specific parts are parts related to ONLY the DeLorean (for instance the AC panel) My point is still, when you buy a DeLorean specific part (lets say an ashtray) why not, in the same order, buy other parts (for instance a Bosch fuel pump) you need. Somehow, to me, its like getting a Christmas present when a large box of DMC parts arrive. Funny thing, the price of a Bosch Fuel Pump is more expensive to buy in Norway than from the states!) Also, you can always put a lower value on the package so that no import tax will arise. Again, I would like to point out that in a few instances some vendors have forgotten to include instructions with the parts. That is confusing, so in this area, some of the vendors have to become better! Also - the DOC UK has found many parts that are IDENTICAL to what the DeLorean uses. This list (which is NOT a cross-reference, will maybe work parts) should be published, at least to the members of the DOC UK who has paid membership dues - you mention the part from a Triumph Herald, very interesting, but what about the rest of the identical parts) I think its important to show the difference between IDENTICAL and cross-reference/will maybe work part. An identical part would for instance be the Purflux oilfilter, where a cross-reference/will maybe work part would be the FRAM oilfilter. Both look alike on the outside, but not on the inside. Best wishes Stian Birkeland Norway VIN # 06759