Re: [DML] need plate from a wrecked door
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Re: [DML] need plate from a wrecked door

> Why don't you try using a "Helicoil" insert before you attempt to remove
> plate? These work great in most cases and it will take you all of 20
> to accomplish.

I talked with Louie @ PJ Grady, and a threaded insert is what they use and
recommend. The problem is that they can't sell me the stuff to do it, and
who they buy it from does wholesale only.

Luckily (?) it was the front plate that stripped out and not the rear. It
looks like to get the rear one out would involve cutting holes in the door,
so a threaded insert there would make a lot of sense. But it looks like the
front plate can be replaced with the only evidence being a small hole
drilled between the bolt holes which will be covered by the hinge anyway.
I've had two offers on used plates, so it looks like I'm getting one soon.

I want to take the door off the car so that I can straighten a dent in the
same corner of the door. My theory is that the previous owner tried to
adjust the door by removing this bolt without taking the tension off the
torsion bar. And it looks like he managed to put a smaller bolt back in its
place by prying & denting the top of the door and T-panel. These are light
dings that should come out easily, but I don't want to take a torch to the
door while I'm cooking the windshield underneath.

Tomorrow I take the door off. Fun fun.


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