In addition to making sure that the gasket is being compressed all around the two rear bumpers set the height of the hood. Screw them up so they exert a slight upward pressure on the hood when closed and it will keep the outer corners from shaking. While you are working on the bonnet make sure the 2 brackets that are in fron of the bumpers are lined up so that in the event of a crash they will capture the bumpers and not allow the bonnet to intrude into the windshield. Check that the latch on the bonnet is entering the lock in the center, I have seen many cars where the latch rubbed on the side of the lock and the latch bar was 1/2 worn through. To adjust you may have to enlarge the holes in the lock where the bolts hold it to the body to move it over. For your piece of mind add a back-up cable to open the bonnet in case the cable breaks (see archives). The bonnet should "pop up" when you pull the release so you don't need 2 hands to open. To adjust so this happens you have to shorten the small spring in the lock. Inspect the cable where it attaches to the release lever in the car. The cables tend to fray and break by the lever. Make sure the light goes out as you lower the bonnet too. David Teitelbaum vin 10757 --- In dmcnews@xxxx, "Walter Coe" <Whalt@xxxx> wrote: > This was the case on my car until I readjusted the hood latch. I always had > problems with water getting in the trunk especially after washing the car. > Any water running down the windshield went into the trunk. I tested the > gasket with a dollar bill and found that there was plenty of room for the > bill to slip through. I then noticed that the gasket was glued in the wrong > place (too far out), so I pulled it off and glued it back on. It was > falling off anyway. I believe it was put on this way from the factory. But > this still didn't fix the problem. With the gasket in the right place the > hood still wouldn't grab a dollar bill. I tried adjusting the catch down, > but it wouldn't go down far enough. I took it apart, filed the adjustment > slots to go down further and this FINALLY fixed the problem. Now I > understand that this is a common problem, but easily fixable. > > Walt > > P.S. If we met in person, would you introduce yourself as "Darkstar"? It's > okay to use a real name here. > > > I noticed that as I test drove a Delorean that I am considering buying > that > > the tips of the hood (front left and right edges where the hood meet the > > windshield) bounce a little in the wind, is this normal?? is this > fixable?? > > is it even a problem??
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