Re: [DML] Even more questions
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Re: [DML] Even more questions

As far as getting a Delorean repaired goes I'll offer this story.

The master cylinder on my clutch failed some time ago. Now I had worked on
transmissions twice in the past and both times they were miserable failures
(stripped all the gears in an automatic and shorted an electrical main
causing all insulation to melt off the wires under the dash on the second).
Now I know that the master and slave cylinders (yes decided if I had to
replace one I might as well do both) aren't "in" the transmission but
frankly I was a bit nervous. So I talked to a mechanic at the at the shop
that towed my car and mentioned he could get all the pointers he needed over
the phone from Houston.

I would have characterize this guy as a good "shade tree" mechanic when I
met him (for those of you not familiar with the term this is a self taught
but knowledgeable person that works on cars in his yard under a tree). He
took on the job and did great. I had to pay him a little extra ($50)
because he spent a some time "learning" how to work on the car and talking
with DMC Joe. He also said if I needed any other work done to bring it

So my advice is get to know a mechanic that likes a little variety in life
and is willing to try working on things out of your capabilities. Many are
willing to try but you need to find one you are comfortable with and can

In any case, I do most of my own repairs and plan, one day, to take my car
to see DMC Joe (he is the closest to me and my brother lives near him) for a
good once over.

Good luck and remember "No Fear".

Ed Garbade


> First of all, permit me to introduce myself, my name is Chris, I'm 22
> years old and I'm a computer technician by trade.


> Third question; Since I live in a rural part of Virginia, and as
> such, to get certain services, one has to go to Winchester or deeper
> into the Washington DC area, since in my case taking it for repairs
> and maintenance that I cannot handle to one the specialty shops such
> as PJ Grady, DMC-Houston or DeLorean One, is not feasible. Are there
> options in my case? Such as mechanics in either the Winchester or
> Washington DC areas who know the DeLorean well?

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